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Yoga Sequence for Bed Time

If you need a short yoga sequence that is calming and relaxing, here is something you can try. Everything can be done right by your bedside, just using your bed, a chair and pillows.

Prasarita Padottanasana, with forehead supported on pillow. Legs are in wide-legged stance.

Uttansana, with forehead supported on pillow. Legs are hip width apart. Soften your eyes, the back of your head and your shoulders.

Forward Virasana, sitting on bed and with chair support for head. Take long, slow and soft exhalations.

Sitting Twist, turn to the right side then turn to left side. Exhale as you turn. Draw shoulders down the back.

Viparita Kirani, legs up the wall while lying on the bed. Rest your back onto the bed, spread your shoulders and soften your face from forehead to chin. Stay for a few long, slow exhalations.

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